The somewhat dark and very smelly - Right, incense isn't supposed to be called that. Yes, Master Kiriko. - shrine and its grounds were so familiar to Hitoko that it might feel like home, if "home" was the sort of thing that she had any sense of these days. But a regular place she visited? It's certainly that, and not just because sitting amongst the detox participants for one or two simple meals per day is cost effective for an ambitious ronin on a budget. The reminder of who she was - where she'd started from and built from to get where she is now - never ceased to motivate her and keep her going even through setbacks. Sharing some sense of hope and accomplishment from her life with these people who were trying to sort out theirs - she assumed there was a reason that the monks were always pleased to see her returning, engaging with the detox participants. Whatever it was, they clearly felt her example was worth the cost of one more plate at breakfast and/or lunch, and several of the monks were good enough friends to be worth chatting with for gossip. Some days, even one of the program participants would have something useful to share in that regard, though she always took their thoughts and impressions with a grain of salt, for obvious reasons.
D7 EE Session 3 Espionage roll. Courtier (Manip)/Awr TN20. 1 CR to cover identity, 1 CR for more info, so TN 30. Skill 3, Awr 3, emphasis, VP for 1k1 | 7k4 ⇒ 40 (TN: 30)
Pass w/raise to cover identity and 1 raise for more info = 2 information points.
[D8, EE, open] A certain kind of comfort zone
[D8, EE, open] A certain kind of comfort zone
Ronin * Talky Bushi * Techhead * Opinionated * Koku-motivated * Seeking business opportunities
Status 0 | Honor Untrustworthy | Glory 3.9
Wearing daisho and sidearm, average clothing; carrying backpack of tech and medicine pack. Rifle and light armor when expecting trouble.
Status 0 | Honor Untrustworthy | Glory 3.9
Wearing daisho and sidearm, average clothing; carrying backpack of tech and medicine pack. Rifle and light armor when expecting trouble.